by Kenji Haba | May 29, 2017 | Advice for Musicians Starting Out
Home > Violin Lessons > Blog How The Violin Can Be a Source of Inspiration in Your Life The word violin is derived from Medieval Latin vitula meaning stringed instrument. The first violin was developed by 500 years ago Andrea Amati in the 1500’s....
by Kenji Haba | May 26, 2017 | Advice for Musicians Starting Out
How the singing can be a source of inspiration in your life? Singing is the act of using your voice to produce musical sounds. You are the singer or vocalist. Singing can be done with or without the accompaniment of singing instruments. If you are a singer, then you...
by Kenji Haba | Apr 11, 2017 | Advice for Musicians Starting Out, blog
Home > Singing Lessons > Blog You Can Be A Singer It is popular for someone to think that they weren’t meant to be a singer – they just “weren’t born with it.” There is a central group of individuals to blame for this myth:...
by Kenji Haba | Apr 9, 2017 | Advice for Musicians Starting Out
Home > Singing Lessons > Blog Singing: History, Facts, and Benefits Technically, singing occurs when a person produces musical notes using his voice. In this case, you can call him a vocalist or a singer. There are different types of...
by Kenji Haba | Mar 31, 2017 | Advice for Musicians Starting Out
How To Get Better At Singing: 7 Good Habits Do you wanna know how to get better at singing? Have you ever questioned how famous singers achieved their amazing singing professions? Some say it’s due to their close relation to different media partnerships...
by Kenji Haba | Mar 30, 2017 | Advice for Musicians Starting Out
7 Best Ways To Learn Piano On Your Own Would you like to know best ways to learn piano on your own? Many amateur pianists tend to have the bad habit of putting things off. We all do it. I’ve been guilty of it many times in the past. But if you truly want...