Frequently Asked Questions for Music Classes:
Q: Do you offer trial classes?
A: Yes, we do offer 20% discount for in-home & online lessons. Please contact us to find out more at 646-838-3990.
Q: When can I Enroll?
A: You may enroll at any time during the school year.
Q: How long does it take to begin taking lessons after registration?
A: Please allow one to two week after you’ve registered to begin your lessons.
Q: Is my child old enough to take private lessons?
A: It all depends on a child. We usually recommend to take a trial lesson for a teacher to assess your child. At Willan, students (from age 3) enjoy learning music.
Q: Is there a registration fee?
A: No there is no registration fee.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: We accept payments by check, money order, and debit/credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Amex). There will be a $35 fee for all returned checks. No cash is accepted.
For trial lesson, we only accept payments by debit/credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover). No check and cash is accepted.
Q: When are payments due?
A: Tuition is billed monthly and must be paid 10 days after invoice date. You may make a payment in a lump-sum upon request.
For trial lesson, tuition must be paid before the day of lesson.
Q: Any late tuition payments?
A: Late tuition payments will be charged a late fee of 5% per month. Students’ lessons and classes will be suspended if accounts fall behind in payment. Tuition credit or make-up lessons will not be given as a result of lessons missed due to suspension.
Q: What is the cancellation policy?
A: We have strict 24 hour cancellation notice. No make-up lesson is allowed for any notifications under 24 hour notice. For sickness, a make-up lesson is allowed with 1-hour advance notice. (School may ask for doctor’s note).
If you are going to be absent from a private lesson, students/ parents should contact the teacher directly by email/phone/text. 2 excused absences are allowed every 4 months with 24-hour advance notification.
Q: How do I change my lesson schedule?
A: To change your lesson schedule, please email Willan Academy of Music and let us know what your preferred time is. Because teachers have busy schedule, we cannot guarantee you will have the same teacher. There is no charge for this request. Your new schedule will be effective two weeks after receiving your written request.
Q: What is the withdrawal procedure?
A: Written request, either by letter or email, should be send to Willan Academy of Music at Notifying the teacher does not constitute notice of withdrawal. Verbal requests are NOT accepted.
Q: What is the refund policy?
A: Students withdrawing more than two days before the first class/lesson will receive a 100% tuition refund. Students are requested to notify the school with two weeks advance notice in writing. Refunds for unused lessons will be made. Please allow three to four weeks for processing of refunds. There is no tuition refund for trial lesson.
For more detail, please see the school policy.

Willan Academy of Music
Mailing Address:
244 Madison Avenue #171
New York, NY 10016
Office Hour:
Phone: 646-838-3990