Why Piano Lessons?
Playing the Piano is not just for entertainment or expressions of emotions, it does a lot of health wonders to our body, especially to our brain. Studies show that learning to play the piano is the best way to fight back stress, stimulate the mind, enhance coordination, and promote an overall sense of well-being.
Playing the Piano is a difficult task, but the willingness and eagerness to learn will make it easy. There are also many useful tips that you may incorporate in your practice: Best Ways To Learn Piano Faster. Learning to play piano is quite frustrating at first, but there is something appealing about playing the piano, we are immediately captivated by its familiar sound. There are many career opportunities for professional piano players, In fact being a piano player is a highly respected job and can earn money.
Not only are there positions in an orchestra, but also studio musician, television musician, soundtrack musician, piano bars, high-class hotels, and casinos are paying top dollars for good piano players. It just shows that intense interest becomes a pianist is like investing for a good future, for the limits are indeed endless.
Many parents thought that enrolling their child in sports is a good way to condition their child, physically and socially but an increasing amount of parents realizes that enrolling their children in music classes brings countless benefits to children. Recent Research supports findings that music may be linked to higher brain function in learning.
Pediatric research has found evidence that a child who learns to play the piano develop coordination, specifically hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Hand and eye coordination helps sharpen the nervous system and will keep their brains developing.
Concentration can help kids learn the piano effectively. Once they are taught to focus on their piano lessons, they will able to get the technique right and would be able to learn it at a fast pace. Kids also need motivation and support from their parents. They need to be praised from time to time, so they will be more eager to play the piano.
Playing the piano also boost the self-esteem of the child, every performance they will give is a product of hours of hard work and patience, and each recital is corresponding to a sports championship. If children take piano lesson seriously, surely their recital will take to a greater significance, and it can lead to a life-long career in professional music. A healthy life and a bright future in the field of music are waiting for if we just have this enormous interest in playing the piano.
Encouraging children, via playing the piano, to persist and take consistent action towards a goal, get them to discover at a tender age that challenging goals can be achieved with determination and hard work.
Encouraging children to learn to play the piano also introduces them to a different hobby at a younger age, enabling them to develop a well-rounded personality by placing focuses at the right areas.
Piano lessons do not just improve a child’s elementary school grades, it is a wholesome experience that teaches them important life skills, and shape characters from a young age. While it may be a little far-fetched to conclude that all children who learned music will succeed when they have grown up, but in reality, they do have a head-start than the rest of their peers in many aspects.
For more questions, contact us at info@willanacademy.com or 646-838-3990. Willan Academy of Music offers top-rated piano lessons and more in NYC, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens.