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How Parents With No Singing Knowledge Can Help Their Kids 


According to recent research, parents are a child’s first teacher. What parents do or don’t do, will have a lasting influence on the child’s skills and literacy. On that note, however hard it may seem to be for you as a parent with no musical experience, it is essential for you to express a positive attitude towards your child’s musical interest. Get your child a good teacher and choose the instrument he/she is interested in. Never bargain with the child’s practice time. Tune in to your child’s interest and expose him/her to musical events and activities. Below are a few tips that will help you to assist and motivate your singing child in his/her music lessons and practice.


1. Setting for your singing student a daily time slot for practice is an essential step. Work out on the music lessons learnt and practice the instrument together; at the same time every day. Ensure that the time allocated is not too long for the child to be bored, a short time of significant practice will work best.


2. After choosing the best teacher for your singing student, liaise with him/her. Work together for the best of your child. Make sure you know the teacher’s suggestions and expectations.


3. Thirdly, ensure that you, together with your child plan on how the practice will take place. The child may begin by practicing the vocals, then identifying the trouble spots. The child can then sing once again while correcting the previous mistakes. The same applies when playing the instrument. You can play each bar at a time, correcting the identified mistakes, then later repeat the whole piece.


4. Fourthly, you should remember to praise your singing student for every small effort put. This is a main source of motivation for your child. Make a great fuss out of it.


5. As a parent, you should be the number one fan of your child. Together with the whole family; the siblings, your spouse and other family members should listen to the child singing and playing the instrument. Give positive feedback. This will make the singing student feel special, and want to do more on music.


6. Rewarding your child for his/her efforts will also go a long way in assisting your kid with his/her music lessons. The most effective gifts you can give your singing students are the ones that are related to music such as; drumsticks, a CD or even a surprise trip to the nearby music store to buy new strings. Remember to make your child’s music practice fun. Experiment a variety of new stuff in music such as making up new tunes with the child.


It may seem hard at first, considering that you have no experience in music. However, these tips do not require any skills at all. Just show interest and give you singing student a 100% support in his/her music lessons.


Keep reading: “4 Vocal Techniques To A Better Voice”>>

Read on: “How to Utilize the Learning Style of a Child to Your Favor”>>


For more questions, contact us at info@willanacademy.com or 646-838-3990. Willan Academy of Music offers piano lessons, guitar lessons, and more in NYC, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens.

Singing Lessons NYC for kids

Willan Academy of Music

244 Madison Avenue Suite 171
New York, NY  10016

Phone: 646-838-3990
E-mail: info@willanacademy.com