Inspiration from the Life of Isaac Stern
Isaac Stern was a Russian-born American, well remembered for his exceptional skills when it came to playing the violin. His family moved to San Francisco when he was a 14-months-old infant. At the tender age of seven years, Isaac received his first music lesson from his mom. Then, Isaac enrolled at the San Francisco Conservatory Music School where he studied music for three years before Louis Persinger became his private tutor. He also trained with Naoum Binder, who was his principal mentor.
It Took Time Before He Became Successful Success
Isaac started appearing on recitals while he was a teenager, but he received his breakthrough in music at age of seventeen. At this time, he made his first debut concert at the New York Town Hall. That was back in 1937. This recitation created a solid foundation for his career, but he started blossoming in 1943 after he made his recital debut at the Carnegie Hall in Manhattan, New York. This concert opened many doors for him, and he began appearing in various music concerts around the country.
Music Gave Him a Chance to Tour the World Including the Soviet Union
In 1948, Isaac made his first European debut at the Lucerne Festivals. This recital opened the door for global tours. Consequently, Isaac traveled widely around the globe including his acclaimed tour to his motherland, the Soviet Union, in 1956. In 1961, he teamed up with Eugene Istomin and Leonard Rose. The three talented musicians became one of the most sought after trios during those times. Moreover, Isaac visited Communist China in 1979. This event was so significant that it featured in a documentary tilted, ‘From Mao to Mozart documentary.’
Inspirational from the Life of Isaac Stern
From the beginning of his music career, Isaac Stern was true to his passion, and that is why he always sought the guidance of music teachers and other artists. Music students should learn from Isaac. More specifically, they should learn that success takes time. Therefore, one should be patient and persistent at the same time. Remember, Isaac was able to tour the world just because he pursued his passion for music. Clearly, a career in music can turn you into an international traveler and a worldwide sensation.
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Read on: “3 Tips to motivate your child to practice violin”>>
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