Have Your Child Learn Piano Today?
It is quite frustrating for parents whenever the kids tell them they want to quit and it is understood the kind of feeling, being a parent myself. It is not so simple when you send your kids to piano classes. Besides spending the hundreds and thousands of cash, you also need to free up some of your time to send and pickup the kids when they go for the class and think of after all the arrangement made, they say they want to quit.
As parent, it is important that you find out why your child lost interest in playing piano. There must be a reason that triggers the changes and if you are able to identify the cause of it, you may be able to reiterate the child’s passion again.
Tips to Ensure Your Child Gets the Best Piano Lessons
Appoint a Piano Teacher
The first step that is to be taken is to select a good piano teacher and appoint them for your child’s piano lessons. Make sure that the teacher is fit for your child. Different teachers have different methods and styles of teaching. See if the method of teaching of the teacher whom you appointed is acceptable to your child.
Go through the policies of the piano teacher properly and then decide whether they are the right person who can fulfill your requirements. Clarify with them if they will be able to provide your child with some stage performance opportunities.
Give a Good Quality Piano to your Child to Play
It is crucial that your child learns to play on a good piano. A cheap piano will not be tuned properly, and it is very natural that it will go out of tune. If your child plays on a low-quality piano, soon they will lose interest and stop taking the piano lessons.
It is always a better idea if they play on a high-quality piano and not on a small electronic keyboard. If you do not want to invest on a full sized, first class piano then you can always rent one for your child from a piano-renting dealer.
Fixed Time to Practice
Make sure that your child has a fixed time for practice. Practice is like a habit. If you do not fix a particular time of the day when they will practice playing the piano, then they will often skip it and will have backlogs and take a lot more time to learn. If they have an unchanging time of practice, then they will proceed faster in their lessons
Keep reading: “How to Utilize the Learning Style of a Child to Your Favor”>>
Read on: “Tips to motivate your child to practice a piano”>>
For more questions, contact us at info@willanacademy.com or 646-838-3990. Willan Academy of Music offers violin lessons, guitar lessons, and more in NYC, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens.

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New York, NY 10016
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E-mail: info@willanacademy.com