Today we bring you a big list of very easy piano songs to learn. Whether for beginners, or for the little ones in the house to learn. They are all very easy to start playing our first notes on the keyboard, so do not get too demanding today.
- SpongeBob (animated TV series)
- Lullaby (Brahms)
- Canon in D (Pachelbel)
- When the saints come marching (traditional jazz)
- The Blue Danube Waltz (Johann Strauss)
- El Chavo del Ocho (Turkish March Beethoven)
- The Exorcist- Tubular Bells (horror movie)
- The Godfather (film theme)
- Fais Dodo (Fall asleep)
- Fray Santiago (Martinillo)
- Harry Potter (Hedwig’s Theme)
- Hymn to Joy (Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony)
- Indiana Jones (film)
- Imperial March(Empire Strike Back)
- The Simpsons (main theme of the television series)
- The Three Stooges (main theme of the TV show)
- Mission Impossible (movie / tv series)
- Chinese Sticks (Chopsticks)
- For Elisa (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Titanic (My Heart Will Go On )
How to Master Easy Piano Songs
Not only listening to music brings joy, but also playing the music! A piano is one of the most expressive instruments out there. To learn this beautiful instrument, it is essential to follow the most important rules and success will inevitably come.
Here are some tips that both beginners and advanced learners should keep in mind to play easy piano songs:
#1 Don’t be hurry!
Of course, you want the fastest possible success in your personal “piano study.” However, take your time, because this “hurry” approach is not good for beginners.
Believe it, the more and longer you practice, the more your ability to play faster. However, in the beginning, you should slowly get used to with piano. Professionals do the same because no virtual solo escapes the master’s hand from the start. What you hear at a breathtaking pace is rehearsed bit by bit at a very moderate pace. That’s precisely what you should do.
Another advantage for not being hurry is your brain will adapt to new easy piano songs much better. It will understand better step by step of what you have done there. This happens in the subconscious mind. You will not notice anything at all.
Not only at the beginning, but even if you were a thoroughbred musician or professional, leading to quick study leads to a variety of mistakes. Just avoid them! You should stick in the most realistic rules of the game, approaching the lesson material slowly, but for sure.

#2 Create a Correct Rhythm
Piano lessons consist partly of intonation and somewhat of a rhythm. If you press a piano key very weakly, the instrument sounds very soft, of course. On the other hand, if you hammer the finger on the keyboard, it almost causes a strong sound.
Anyway, do not approach the keys timidly, but play them deliberately and as stated. Fearful stalking makes no sense at all. After all, as a beginner, you also want to learn how to play the piano correctly and play easy piano songs.
#3 Create Your Inner Metronome
If the rhythm is not right, the whole music is not right! Experts argue about how many percents of music enjoy the rhythm. The margin goes from 50 to 80 percent.
Not all people were born with good tact. They have to learn it first to make music successfully. So create your inner metronome, your inner clock. This is relatively easy but requires constant practice. Take some piece of music, preferably one in which the rhythm is natural to recognize (like our samples above, if you miss it, just scroll up)
For example, many pieces from country music are perfect here. These kinds of music are structured. It is better than pop-heavy.
If you look closely, you will find that even many music professionals do the same. At some point, this introspection becomes automatism. Then, you have created your inner metronome.
#4 Pay Attention to The Finger Position
The right finger position is playing the piano and is also very important on most other instruments. You’ve probably already seen the basic attitude of a pianist’s hands. The fingers are not splayed apart but held with a slight curvature over the keyboard – such that the fingertips are slightly below the handball. It almost looks like you’re about to grab something.
Be sure to keep your fingers straight and do not allow your ten former lone fighters to do their own thing. You – the ten fingers – together with your brain are now a great team that can bring something beautiful together: music.
The basic rules are: Put your fingers in the correct, slightly curved position and play with your fingertips. So that you would dance your fingers with them over the keys. Here is more on the attitude of playing the piano.
Here are quick reminder of 7 Good Habits Every Pianist Needs for Success.

#5 Do Not Stop At Every Bar Line
Does that happen all by itself or can you imagine a piano concerto by Beethoven, in which the musicians take a pause for thought at each bar end? No, indeed not – and it would be completely wrong.
Just imagine, you would play in front of an audience as a piano beginner. Your audience would certainly not enjoy listening to your “concert” as a stop-and-go music, get pause for thought on every bar line. They don’t like it. Your audience wants to enjoy the music as it is right, as a whole.
To play music from the sheet, it means you play that with your eyes, and therefore with your brain, you always have to lead your fingers a little ahead.
Quite simply explained: If your fingers play the notes from the clock 32 already read the clock 33rd. This is, of course, a matter of practice and does not go from one to the next, but it is guaranteed to work.
You should begin this training with very simple etudes (sections) that you can memorize after the third play-through. Then consciously concentrate on the individual bars and start with the first one. Once you’ve played the first note in the first bar, you can focus on the second, because you’ve already internalized the first one. If that works, you already have half the rent in the suitcase. Through this exercise you will achieve better music flow.
By doing that, the music (of course) is not interrupted at every bar line, but sounds like a real song. It is comparable to the infinite sound of the sea, the birdsong in the morning or the rain that falls from the sky even without a break – until finally it is back warm glow of the sun is replaced.
#6 Stay Calm, Even In Front Of an Audience
Whether you play alone or in front of an audience, you should stay peaceful. With nervousness, you’re just going crazy yourself – and the audience is guaranteed not to thank you. Incidentally, this has nothing to do with stage fright. That is something entirely different. Contrary to nervousness, it can invite you to peak performance.
Therefore, be very relaxed in your first lesson steps to the task to be mastered. Just making mistakes at the beginning is not at all bad, but normal.
However, you’ll find that the more you practice the mistakes you make, the less you get, and once you’re ready to make no mistakes, you can concentrate fully on expression and presentation. Then, the music gradually becomes real art.
#7 Practice With Accompanyment
Try to find a friend or play in a band. Playing together is by far the BEST POSSIBILITY to improve your rhythm. You need to focus on the rhythm, and that alone will make you develop a musical ear. It also makes a lot of fun and bypasses the boredom of only practice.
#8 Ignore Your Mistakes
Do not worry if you gamble. If we were afraid of mistakes all the time, we would not achieve anything. We would live in constant fear and probably not leave the house at all!
Practice piano tips for example, if you were learning a new piano piece and you knew before that you would have to make precisely 25 mistakes to play it correctly, would you ever worry about these mistakes? Of course not!
Therefore, you would want to make these mistakes as soon as possible. Any error will take you a step further. As long as your ear can detect the mistakes, you can correct and keep going.
If you are looking for helpful tips for your child to master easy piano songs, this may help you; 8 Practice Tips for Young Pianists!

#9 Learn Chords First
Practice the most basic chords before you start playing easy piano songs! You will be far ahead. The most famous piano songs rely on simple chords and should you be able to do so you will be able to play many famous songs right away.
Often, it is just the simple pieces that are fun and have real earwig character.
The traditional practice methods from courses and most piano school often prevent the exposure of the real learning potential from the beginning. I think that this circumstance demotivates a lot of beginners. If you practice the basic chords first, your motivation will be preserved, and the thought of giving up will be shelved.
Even the right fingering is essential. With which finger you play which key.
#10 The Right Attitude
The right attitude is probably the most important thing. If you practice forcing, you will not get very far. This approach will quickly end in frustration and eventually lead to abandonment. Beware of obsession and practice only as much as you want to expect.
To use every second of practice and get better, you have to concentrate on just one thing. For example, this could be part of a piece, a new chord, a scale, or just something you like. This will make progress recognizable that will guide you throughout the whole practice.
#11 Visualize
Many athletes are taught this: Imagine how you run and win a competition. You see yourself as you take off and step forward to the finish line. You can see the cheering crowd, how to tear your arms in the air and triumph.
Now, when the race is in progress, the athletes are mentally prepared and can give their best. Playing the piano is no different.
Try to imagine how you are playing a piece without any mistakes. Imagine the part in your memory, see the keys, and feel the piano swinging. Try to hear the piece.
You’ll be amazed at how fast you can improve by just visualizing!
#12 Pleasure in the first place
Play something you like and what you know. Over time, you will be able to watch some sheet music and play something that sounds similar.
It does not make sense to practice something you do not know. It is a human trait that activities performed with enthusiasm have higher chances of success. That’s exactly how it is when playing the piano.
In the beginning, you should play something that you enjoy. Everything you play will help you. If you practice memorization, you are playing stuff you know: promotional jingles, music from TV shows, well-known folk songs, etc. If you need more inspiration, this story about Beethoven might help you; Inspiration from the Life of Beethoven
Learning to play the piano is possible for anyone with a particular affinity for good music, no matter what age you want to start with it.
Children certainly have a quicker mindset, adults, however, are the more perfect piano beginners, as they bring along talents like perseverance, concentration, and the necessary discipline. Reason enough to start learning this traditional instrument full of desire and dedication even at the time of your choice.
Beginner pianists in New York learn to play the piano yourself online peace, and with the dreamed goal in mind, you can make the white and black keys sound. With Willan Academy of Music, you will learn how to master the art of piano tones from beginner to advance. One thing to keep in mind is you have to want it and bring in insatiable enthusiasm. Anyone who has dedicated himself to music is well on the way to quickly enjoying their first successes.
Are you interested in learning easy piano songs? Our music school in New York provides the best tutors and lesson curriculum for you to master piano, violin, guitar, and more! Visit us on 244 Madison Avenue #171 New York, NY 10016 and let us boost your musical talent!